Free Mercado increases by 18% until September, but does not let the red numbers


  The Free Mercado increases by 18% until September, but does not let the red figures

The Free Mercado does not give up the red figures. The Argentine e-commerce group closed the first nine months of the year (ended September 30) with losses of $ 34.2 million while the $ 81.5 million profit recorded at the same time of the previous year.

Despite this, the company recorded sales of $ 1,011.6 million which represents a growth of 17.8% over the $ 858.4 million entered between January and January. and September 2017.

By market, Mexico is again the country where sales of the Argentine company have increased more strongly. In this country, the free market business figure increased by 89.2% in the first nine months of the year, reaching $ 63.6 million.

In the first months of the year, Mercado Libre pulled sales in Mexico by 89.2%

Brazil, for its part, consolidated its position as the main market for the Argentine e-commerce group, since its sales in that country reached $ 600.8 million in the first nine months of the year. year, which represents an increase of 21.7%.

The turnover was also up in Argentina and stood at $ 285.8 million, an increase of 14%. In other markets, the company recorded a turnover of $ 61.5 million, or 45.3% more than for the same period the previous year.

Free Mercado highlighted the evolution of its payments market tool. Transactions on this platform increased 66.6% in the first nine months of the year to $ 263.7 million.

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