Frontal system at La Araucanía: collapsed bridge, flood and isolated


Havoc caused in the last hours the cold frontal system which affected the region of La Araucanía among them the partial collapse of the railway bridge over the Cautín River which unites Temuco with Father Las Casas. In addition, soggy, damaged and isolated are recorded as a result of heavy rains.

According to the Onemi Report, Cunco 24 people affected are reported ] 1 dwelling with significant damage and 1 153 with minor damage in more than 48 people isolated product of flood and mbad removal events.

Similarly, the interrupted access to the areas of Curacalco Bajo and Alto, Codihue-3 Horquetas, is maintained, a product of which a certain number of persons to be determined is isolated.

In Toltén it is reported that 4 people were affected and 1 dwellings with significant damage in the Corvi area, following a landslide land that moved the house from its foundations, maintaining the risk of occurrence of a new event. The victims were moved to relatives

In Padre Las Casas 48 victims and were recorded 12 houses with more damage in the located at kilometer 17 of the S-51 road, product of the overflow of the Huichahue River. Similarly, the suspension of clbades for all educational institutions under municipal administration is reported this Thursday.

In Temuco the partial collapse of a section of the railway bridge located on the river Cautín which unites the municipalities of Temuco and Padre las Casas. This event does not generate connectivity or other disruption since it is not used.

Still in Temuco, it is reported flooding in the low level crossing of Los Poetas Avenue in the Puente Viejo area pbadable only for older vehicles. Clbades of the North Claret Campus Institute remain suspended produced overflow from the irrigation cbad, affecting its main access and central patio

In Villarrica discontinued Car traffic is maintained on the Chucauco Schleyer Road due to overflow from an estuary in the New Life area. As a result, a number of families to be determined do not have access to the site. It works in the place of company of road services

In Pucón the overflow of the Claro River is registered, whose product is presented to denial in sites of 3 houses . Similarly, it is reported flooding on the roads Pucón-Villa San Pedro and Pucón-Caburgua at the Liucura bridge, product whose circulation is authorized with caution. It works in the bridges El Cerduo, Pitraco and Liucura, the road staff and the companies of road services

In Curarrehue it is reported 8 505 people who remain isolated product of the interruption of the road traffic of the CH-199 road in the areas of Casa de Lata, Angostura and Puente Piano in the Catripulli sector, due to the overflow of the Trancura River.

The population is in good health and nourished. In addition, in the same commune, 40 people are wounded and 10 are more damaged

Melipeuco there are 25 victims 4 houses with more damage and ] 32 isolated families from the Sahuelhue and Carén rivers, in the sectors of Sahuelhue, Carén and Cumquinllaque. Of those affected, 7 of them were transferred to relatives

Curacautín there 2 isolated families registered, one in the Río Blanco sector and 1 Other in the area of ​​Alto Sentinel Malalcahuello, product of the increase of flow in the indicated areas.

In Collipulli he is informed of 60 isolated people river overflowing product in the area Lolcura la Isla

And in Nueva Imperial overflow from the Cautín River in the Entre Ríos sector is reported, following which, [3] people remain isolated in the areas Quilichanquin Island, Mañio Quilongo and Isla Lisahue . In addition, 1 dwelling with minor damage is registered.

Finally, with respect to basic services, 2,300 customers are affected by the interruption of power in different areas of the region. Electricity company staff continue to work to replace the service.

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