Frustrated Portonazo leaves an injured and detained person in Concepción | National


A police incident occurred late in the evening in the Lomas de San Andrés area in the Bío Bío region.

Up to a house located in Hurtado de Mendoza, a group of people arrived who tried to perform a portonazo.

The victim is an officer of the Investigative Police who defeated his rifle and shot against that group. According to information from La Radio, it would be a member of the flight brigade.

According to the earliest antecedents, the subjects would have moved in a white Hyundai Tucson. These people would have bumped into the back of the vehicle while the victim was coming home.

The official IDP did two or three shots that injured a person. in one of its extremities and in the thorax. Meanwhile, another subject managed to escape.

The vehicle used by these people would be one of the cars that were stolen on Sunday from the parking lot of the Mall del Trebol . Also, minutes after this frustrated portonazo, this Hyundai Tucson was found on public roads.

Attorney Nelson Vigueras confirmed that the person affected by the frustrated portonazo corresponds to a person in charge of the IDP and stated that "a subject who is identified and who is currently at the Regional hospital was injured ". 19659002] "The investigation police arrested this first subject," he added.

Vigueras said that there was a second identified person who would be injured and they are working to find where he is. 19659002] The staff of the SAMU and the Carabineros carry out the corresponding expertises.

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