Furor on the web by a small dog who pretended to be a street vendor to get food from McDonalds – Tendencies


© Capture of Betsy Reyes on Facebook   Furor on the Web by a small dog who claimed to be a street gourmet, fed by McDonalds food

"She's not a street dog she is only a gold digger who acts as though living on the street so that people feel bad and give her her burgers, "said her owner.

24Horas.cl Tvn


Who could resist the food of a hungry callejera dog? Princess, it's the name of the little dog who masquerades as a street vendor so that customers feed him to the United States.

Everything was learned, when his owner, Betsy Reyes, In a Facebook post, he shared two videos where you can see how his pet is in full action drama.

With a sad face, the dog has moved customers from a McDonald's to Oklahoma City, United States, where his performance has always worked.

The woman wrote in her review that "if you see my dog ​​in the vicinity of McDonald's, stop feeding him because does not stop Run away from home to get to McDonalds at night "[

He also added that " This is not a street dog, it's not a street dog " is just a gold digger who acts as if she lived on the street so people feel bad and gives them their hamburgers. "


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