Futuras de Pastas Suazo will be defined in August and the company maintains its operations


For more than three hours the meeting of creditors of Pastas Suazo was extended, made yesterday in the 1st Curicó Court of Letters. The goal was to decide the future of the company, for which the creditors had to decide between the continuity of the transaction or the liquidation.

However, the decision will be postponed for a month, because Copeval, the main creditor of Suazo, detained by his lawyer Bernardo Pinto, does not have any basic information in order to opt for one of two alternatives.

"The continuity of the general rotation is one year, so the risk that can be taken by all the creditors must be counted to one year.Therefore, in five minutes, I do not believe that a decision of this nature can be made, "Pinto said.

In response to Copeval's request, it was decided to postpone the decision for one month, in addition, the company will continue its activities until August 1, when a new meeting of creditors will take place.

In this case, it was also agreed that liquidator Valeria Cañas will continue to be responsible for the process. Cañas said that for now, the job is to increase the company's revenue: "we start with $ 800 million and we want to achieve as much as possible, so that when we do the first distribution , the workers can be paid. "

Another objective of the liquidator is to obtain a prospective purchaser for the company.In this regard, Cañas said that there are already two interested parties: Martini and CV Trading, of the Bruzzone family. "The proposals are to be able to make business alliances in which some of them could rent to know the factory and finally offer to buy", explains

Regarding the situation of workers, lawyer Roger Meléndez compensation of workers who have held positions in the company – about 36 of the more than 150 employees that the company had – while those who have stopped working are waiting for payment, a situation that should be defined at the next meeting of creditors. Whatever the case may be, the expectations are to maintain the continuity of the rotation, since today it is not possible to guarantee sufficient resources to cover the debts. .

In the meantime, Suazo Workers' Union President Flavio Fuentes described the decision as "a little more oxygen" for those who maintain the positions in the company and said that the sales room will remain in operations as before, so he called the company's customers to keep the purchase of products. "We will continue to produce and work to be able to sell and raise funds," he said

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