Gates and Lauder Will Donate $ 30 Million to Investigate Alzheimer's Disease


Chicago. Billionaire Bill Gates and Emeritus Chairman of Estée Lauder, Leonard Lauder, announced Tuesday that they will allocate $ 30 million over three years to support the development of new early detection tests for Parkinson's disease. ; Alzheimer's.

The Diagnostics Accelerator Program follows last November's announcement of a $ 50 million Gates personal investment in the Dementia Discovery Fund, a private fund that aims to bring the industry together. and governments for treatment against the disease

. The decision, said the co-founder of Microsoft, was motivated in part by his personal experience, since many members of his family are facing Alzheimer's disease.

Alzheimer's, the most common form of dementia, affects about 50 million people worldwide. According to Alzheimer's Disease (ADI), more than 131 million people will suffer by 2050.

Gates and Lauder have contributed this seed for collaboration in the development of diagnostics through the Foundation for the Drug Discovery Against Alzheimer's (ADDF), created by Lauder. Other philanthropists will also collaborate, such as the Dolby family and the Charles and Helen Schwab Foundation.

Funds raised through this initiative will be open to scientists and doctors around the world who work in research centers, biotechnology companies and

ADDF Diagnostics Accelerator will invest in projects risks that may not have an immediate commercial impact, the group said in a statement.

Pharmaceuticals have invested billions of dollars in unsuccessful attempts to develop a treatment. which slows the progress of Alzheimer's disease, which strips people who are suffering from their memories and their ability to take care of themselves.

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