Gendarmerie officials begin a national strike and expect the government to respond to their demands | National


At 00:00 this Monday the national gendarmerie strike which has an indefinite national duration, began, pending the government's response to the demands made by the union, demanding an improvement of the penitential race

. petitions predominate three essential points related to the stagnation of the public service: a bonus for retirement, an exit bonus and a redistribution of badets .

In this line, the first National Director of the National Association of Prison Officers, Andrés Segovia, denied the organization of a meeting between the Ministry of Justice and the union that & # 39; 39, he represents.

Segovia added that he is "humiliating" for the movement In the meantime, the president of the National Association of NCOs and Gendarmes, Jorge Pinochet, said that the mobilizations could be radicalized, depending on the actions taken. of the government.

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For his part, the PS deputy and member of the Justice Committee, Marcelo Díaz, declared that he not be a supporter of strikes in this type of institutions because they involve security issues.

From the penitentiary labor front, they announced that if the government did not show up not, he would start a general strike as early as Monday (19659011) (function (d, s, id) {
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