General (R) Gonzalo Blu is admitted to the Carabineros Hospital


This morning, General Gonzalo Blu had to enter the emergency room of the Carabineros Hospital

. According to La Tercera, this information has been confirmed by the medical establishment. although the reasons for which he was hospitalized have not been clarified.

It should be remembered that yesterday it was made official that Blu should serve a preventive detention as part of the investigation, in which he acts as defendant, for the setting in Operation Huracan, in the detention center that the Carabineros have in Sucre Street 2249, municipality of Ñuñoa.

In as much, Sugar's enclosure has 350 square meters and maintains three ex-uniforms related to DD.HH's crimes. [19659002] Finally, the riflemen announced their objections to Blu staying in this place, as they considered the official gave up "a potential danger" for the other inmates of this compound.

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