Germany may extradite Puigdemont to Spain for embezzlement


A German court ruled Thursday that Catalan separatist leader Carles Puigdemont could be extradited to Spain, but only for alleged embezzlement and not for the most serious rebellion charge.

"extradition for charge of embezzlement of public funds that is admissible; extradition for charge of rebellion is not admissible", said the regional superior court of Schleswig-Holstein, claiming that it is up to the prosecutor to arrange delivery to the Spanish authorities and that the former president of Catalonia "Carles Puigdemont free" until then. 19659002] This decision closes a chapter in the legal proceedings of the European Union regarding the extradition of Puigdemont claimed by Spain.

The former Catalan president said that he would fight "until the end" after hearing the decision.

We will win, "tweeted Puigdemont, pointing out that extradition for rebellion is ruled out, the main charge of the Spanish Supreme Court claiming it for its role in the failed attempt at secession in 2017.

"We defeated the main lie backed by the state. The German justice denies that the referendum of October 1 was a rebellion, "he said

.The court's decision is a blow to the grounds invoked by Spain to request his extradition, since it prevents trial for rebellion

The court badumes that the Spanish court will respect (the German decision) and that it will not prosecute the accused Puigdemont for rebellion as well as for corruption. "[19659004ThejudgesalsorejectedtheargumentsoftheCatalanseparatistwhoconsideredhimselfapoliticalvictimand"Itisodioustodoso(anaccusationlikethat)againsttheSpanishStateamemberofthecommunityofvalues​​andthelegalareaof​​theEuropeanUnion"saysthecourt

Spain accuses Puigdemont of rebellion and embezzlement for the Catalan independence referendum held in 2017.

Catalan takes refuge in Bel After his dismissal from the presidency of the autonomy and from this country traveled to other EU to internationalize their struggle.

He was arrested at the end of March in northern Germany while traveling from Finland to Belgium. 19659005] The German public prosecutor said that he "will soon decide to authorize the extradition of the defendant for embezzlement". A spokeswoman for the prosecutor's office described the move as formally formal.

Unable to take the Catalan presidency, Puigdemont appointed a successor in May, paving the way for the end of the crisis.

The Spanish government has also moved forward to end the conflict.

On Wednesday, the last three independent leaders imprisoned near Madrid for their participation in the secession attempt arrived in Catalonia, culminating in the transfer approved a few days ago by the Spanish government.

Last week the first six had been transferred, including former Vice President Oriol Junqueras and former Speaker of Parliament Carme Forcadell

The transfer was approved a few days before the first meeting Monday, between Pedro Sánchez and Catalan pro-independence president Quim Torra, in which they pledged to continue the dialogue despite their notable differences.

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