Get ready! The successor of Vine will arrive soon and will call Byte


Dom Hofmann confirms version 2.

Do not forget about Vine ? This application that allowed you to share videos no more than 6 seconds full of humor (or what claimed), jokes and people who were dancing. It belonged to Twitter until the social network decided to close it in 2016.

Launched in 2013, Vine quickly became popular among Internet users. The simplicity of creating a video of this duration has attracted so much attention that it has ended up setting a precedent for the mbadification of what we know today under the name of stories.

Despite the great popularity of the public, Vine could not recover from the various problems I was suffering . The lack of money and the lack of opportunity to monetize its content have ended up wreaking havoc. At the time that disappeared, several celebrities of the application have taken advantage of its popularity to succeed on platforms like YouTube.

However, there was still a big gap since it closed. So much so that his (former) users insisted that his creator, Dom Hofmann, bring him back. It seems that he has complied, since Hofmann recently confirmed that the successor of Vine would call Byte .

our new video loop app calls byte. launch of spring 2019

– dom hofmann (@dhof) November 8, 2018

What is it about

people were waiting for announcement for a while. Just a few months ago, we reported that Hoffman was involved in a project called "V2". This, with the colors of the previous request.

However, it was obvious that the name could not be repeated because Twitter still had rights to this name. Hoffman only prepared people with that name to surprise them by showing Byte.

The developer did not talk much about their features and nothing adds to what he had mentioned about "a nontoxic community" and "giving the same voice to all the Of course, mentioned that Byte would arrive in the spring of 2019 (northern hemisphere)

. The project had been delayed several times, but it seems that it is already in its final phase . We will then see if he is able to surpbad the vine that is still remembered .

  Vine's successor will arrive soon and will call himself Byte "title =" Vine's successor will arrive soon and will call Byte "src =" https: // /09/v2-f12c7a0b43699ef3b6b48ade7ba8eb5d.jpg "/>
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