Get rid of being a supporter of the appeal to the Constitutional Court


The president of Evópoli, Hernán Larraín Matte, scored this Sunday
distance from their UDI partners, ensuring that their party "is not
"to appeal to the Constitutional Court (TC) for the new
the regulation of conscientious objection under the law of
the decriminalization of abortion.

The new text was presented Friday by the government, before
of trade unionism, they indicated that they will study the possibility of going to the
TC, because they accuse the executive was "forced" to comply with the
opinion of the controller.

respect, Larraín Matte expressed "Evópoli supports the regulation
presented by the government as a whole, because it protects the objection
of conscience, the autonomy of the institutions and the right to
woman in the case of the decriminalization of abortion by the three
causal. "

In this context, the president of the store said that" in principle, Evópoli is not in favor of recourse to the Tribunal. "

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