Girl dies of collapse game in the amusement park


  A child dies when the play park sinks

The technical inspection will begin. Photo: Pixabay


Amusement parks and fairs are a great pleasure for children and adults because they can experience emotions in a controlled and safe manner.

sometimes, in general failures in the mechanisms or in the impruders of the users themselves, accidents occur which can lead to injuries and, in the worst case, deaths.

Recently, it was reported that Pakistan a 12-year-old girl died and that 25 other people were seriously injured during the attraction of & Nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Askari Amusement Park & ​​[39;

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According to Expre ss Tribune the park had only one month, however, during these three weeks, none of the games were examined or certified by the authorities by means of inspections.

badbadin – in which the miner died Kashaf Dukhtar composed of a pendulum capable of rotating 360 degrees.

There was a big roar and people ran from one place to another, "said one of the badistants

On images of this horrific incident, some visitors can be seen at the scene to help the affected people. ]

After the fact, the closure of all the attractions of the place was ordered A technical inspection will be started.

*** MJPR ***

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