Global stock markets recover after the technological collapse and the rebirth of the hope of a settlement between the United States and China


European equities rallied on Tuesday after being pressured by a collapse of tech stocks on Wall Street, while political risks in Europe favored the dollar, as investors shed risky badets .

Corporate earnings growth has already peaked, owing to weak global demand and rising interest rates in the United States, which has warned investors over the past decade. last month.

The trade war between China and the United States is disconcerting and the risks for Brexit and the budget dispute between Italy and the European Union. Volatility increases again.

The wave of Monday's US stock sales was driven by technology stocks, with Apple and Amazon among the biggest culprits. The documents of the second fell by 5%.

However, fears of a long-term decline in technology stocks were dispelled on Monday when investors focused their attention on efforts to resolve the China-China trade war. United States . The pan-European STOXX 600 index rose 0.5% at 09:30 GMT.

Asia and Currencies

Asian markets also resumed losses following the announcement of a report that China's chief negotiator was preparing to visit. United before a meeting between the leaders of the two largest economies in the world.

The Shanghai Composite Index rose 0.9%, but the average Japanese Nikkei shares lost more than 2%.

Higher risk badets, including Asian equities, have been affected by rising interest rates in the United States and badysts expect the Federal Reserve to American tightens its monetary policy in December . [19659002] In Europe, the pound sterling is appreciated by half a point to 1.2917 dollar, after the British minister has declared that an agreement on Brexit with the l </ a> European Union was still possible in the next two years. 4 or 48 hours

A growing dispute over the Italian budget has affected the euro in recent days, but the currency has appreciated 0.1% to 1.1234 dollar and has gone from its most low level at 16 months.

Political problems in Europe continued to support the dollar against a basket of currencies. The greenback has traded at 97.6 hours, after reaching 97.70 on Monday, its highest level since June 2017

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