Goic says that the crisis of the Church "gives him a bitter taste" when he leaves the diocese of Rancagua


Alejandro Goic referred this half day to Pope Francis' decision to accept when he resigns to the diocese of Rancagua, which was informed today by the Vatican.

The bishop emeritus now indicated that "at the time of the farewell I want to open my heart to the people of God, which is this beloved diocese.You know that I have always held to testify that my episcopal slogan expresses: "Christ is my life." I tried to configure myself with him in every word he uttered, in every encounter, in every decision and in every step that I took it. "

He added that" because of the painful circumstances that the diocesan church experiences, they give a bitter flavor at this time, a moment that I had always hoped to badume with the humility of someone who will collaborate from a single service as long as health permits, but unfortunately this is not the case. "

He underlined the appointment of Fernando Ramos apostolic administrator "of the vacant diocese, stating that" I am at your disposal to help t all which helps to clarify the truth regarding situations involving priests from Rancagua. "

" I have never hesitated to meet the challenges they have offered me, nor the responsibilities. My duty today is to cooperate with all that the administrator demands. "

Finally, Goic thanked all the parishioners of the community and reflected:" I am asks every day whether despite denunciations that have canonical processes that ended with severe sanctions against those responsible and in my condition as a witness of those sad events that have the Church in crisis, if I could do more, if I had to do more, what was lacking to better serve me as brothers and brothers in all these periods of our history. "

Fernando Ramos, for his part, declared that" I come to serve this people, who have various expressions of their faith and that we will try to accompany them and help them to continue to develop. "

With regard to the complaints that exist against the prelates in the region, said that he is trying to continue on the same road that has been taken so far by Goic" to clarify the doubts that may exist. "Call the community so that, if they know or have been abused, they will approach the Church to denounce them."

"Our mission as a community" Church finds its criterion of truth to the extent that it can approach the one who suffers, "he said, adding that" I want to put myself at the service of the truth, both by the canonical channel and by the justice channel in Chile. We are willing to collaborate. "

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