Gonzalo Rojas leaves the PUC after a charge of abuse of power


The lawyer and historian Gonzalo Rojas Sánchez announced his decision to leave the Faculty of Law of the Catholic University to which he had been bound as a student and university. over 45 years old .

As reported The Third Prime Minister Rojas made this announcement in the middle of a clbad, in front of some 20 or 25 people: "I can now talk about everything, because I'm leaving in two weeks " he said.

The Clinic Online completes that this scene occurred "while (Rojas) was just beginning his seat as 20th century thinkers", and "it took ten minutes to announce to his students that he would leave home studies in two weeks. "

The Prosecution

This release was it was gives a few weeks after himself The clinic disseminates charges filed with Rojas on harbadment and abuse of power against a student who criticized him in front of a virtual forum .

This case was brought by Rojas himself before the Board of Ethics and Discipline. the Faculty of Law which published in September a statement deploring that "despite his open attitude to the student (Isidora Cardemil) to at any time, she might have felt pressured or treated unfairly, which she had not said so far ".

Cardemil was forced to publish in this forum a public retraction that had motivated the writing letter of more than 400 students to rector Ignacio Sánchez, where it is reported that the girl was a victim of "repeated situations of harbadment and harbadment on the part of some students and the teacher ".

"We want here to highlight not only the difference of power between the accuser and the accused, but also the submission of the student to the uncertainty of a process that could possibly cost him even his career, "says the letter, which warned that"

"Perpetual abuses of power are: also a violent act.It is outrageous to find that, in a law school, the" guarantees those who are considered "pillars of the community", are systematically violated, particularly with regard to respect for procedures, freedom of expression and respect for human dignity, "said the letter. , according to Report of The Clinic .

"He wants to devote himself to writing"

The departure of Rojas is given before knowing the declaration of the General Secretariat of the Catholic University on the episode: " The intention of Rojas is to settle in the city of Viña del Mar and to devote himself to writing ," he declared The Tercera .

"Sources at the UC School of Law revealed that the current Dean, Carlos Frontaura, had also announced that he would not be reinstated amid criticism of how he handled the case. crisis ", slogan The clinic .

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