Goodbye to the button "I love it" on Twitter?


The microblogging network has decided to end one of its basic functions.

(CCM) – Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey said the platform would remove the "I love" button. one of the most used daily functions in the network.

The objective of this important change would be to improve the debate, direct participation and quality of conversations, according to The Telegraph newspaper (in English). Since the initial star-shaped icon of 2015 has given way to the current heart, this feature has been used more and more frequently at the expense of retweets. Recently, the platform began displaying the "likes" on the user's timeline by showing it to its subscribers and thus badociating it virtually with retweets .

In any case, although this feature will disappear, users will be able to track their favorite tweets by using the recently-added "Recorded Items" feature . Other significant changes recently implemented include the increase in character limits per message, from 120 to just over a year ago.

Photo: © MrMohock –

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