Google Chrome will consume more RAM


Google Chrome is one of the most used browsers in the world. Although, it is an excellent multifunctional navigator, it also has shortcomings and one of the most criticized and that it has not been possible to improve is the consumption of his RAM.

Google will launch a security measure that will be implemented from version 67 to protect the team from threats such as Specter and Meltdown, this measure will consume more RAM memory, reducing the performance of the game. team.

that it will increase between 10 and 13% more use of RAM because of "strict isolation". This protection limits a potential attacker to see only the process of the page where it is located, can not access other processes from other pages, that is to say that each page is a new and different process. Early in the year, Spectrum caused major problems in the world 's computers by getting private information through the browser.

In an official release, software engineer Charlie Reis acknowledges that this update can cause problems to computers with 4 GB of RAM. less

If you want to disable this strict privacy option, here are the steps, remember that this could have negative consequences:

Open Chrome and in the navigation bar write the following: "chrome: // flags "
In the search bar we insert:" Strict site isolation "
Then you can detect if it is enabled or disabled and change the status if you wish.

If Google Chrome consumes more RAM than you have it You can open the task manager and check which tabs consume more memory and close them. There are also extensions such as The Great Suspender and One Tab that dramatically improve consumption.

For the moment, the feature is turned off on mobile devices such as iOS or Android.

Google has also launched a new design after This is part of its mbadive overhaul for several years. To mention a few changes, there is a new address bar, a change in the form of the tabs and different colors. In general, he has a cleaner and organized look, a bit minimalist.

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