Google dedicated Doodle in commemoration of the birth of Simón Rodríguez


This Sunday, the Google platform dedicated a Doodle, a representative image of the first page, about the birth of Simón Rodríguez, an illustrious Venezuelan educator and writer. In 2018, 249 years of his birth are commemorated.

Simón Narciso de Jesús Carreño Rodríguez was born in Caracas in 1769. At age 21, he became a teacher at the School of Reading and Writing for Children, where he met and is the instructor Simón Bolívar, liberator of Venezuela. 19659004] Years later, Bolívar's representative, Carlos Palacios y Blanco, decided to send him to live with Simón Rodríguez, where the educator housed about 20 other children.

Among his most relevant works, there are Representation at the Town Hall (1793), American Companies in 1828 How will they be and could they? to be in the centuries to come (1828), Criticism of the measures of the government (1843) and Advice of my friend given to Latacunga (1851).

In his honor, universities have been named, such as the Simón Rodríguez National Experimental University of Caracas, Venezuela. and the Simón Rodríguez Trade Technical School, in Cali, Colombia.

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