Google invests millions in a foreign operating system to position itself in cheap phones – 29/06/2018


Technology companies are so big and their products and services have spread all over the world, that now they are at a time when they have to be creative to find spaces to continue to grow .

For example, Instagram has just released the lite version of its application, which should be one of the sources to get in the developing markets another billion users for any of the products the most successful Facebook. 19659002] This Wednesday, we learn what is Google's strategy to position itself in emerging markets and develop in the future

  The first mobile phone with Android Go costs $ 1,499 and is already sold in Argentina [19659005] The research giant <strong> invested $ 22 million in KaiOS </strong> a "low-cost digital services" business. </p>
<p>  What might initially attract attention, is that the main product of KaiOS is, as its name indicates, <strong> an operating system </strong>. And Google in this segment has <strong> Android </strong> the system installed by most smartphone manufacturers. </p>
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  KaiOS, an ecosystem of applications that thrives in cheap phones.

KaiOS, an application ecosystem that thrives in affordable phones.

The key to this investment is that KaiOS is a web-based ecosystem that works well in affordable phones that do not meet the minimum requirements to work with Android.

The segment of basic cell phones (which includes well-known brands such as Nokia ) has not stopped moving: it is estimated that between 450 and 500 million 39 units were sold in 2017.

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In addition to being installed on the iconic Nokia 8110 (famous since the movie "Matrix"), KaiOS works with manufacturers such as TCL, Alcatel, HMD Global and Micromax. The company reports that 40 million cell phones have already been sold with its system, which includes advanced apps and purchases, weather, news, social networks, games and card functions .

  KaiOS offers applications such as cards on cheap phones, such as Alcatel's Go Flip.

KaiOS offers applications such as cards on cheap phones, such as Alcatel's Go Flip

"This investment will help us in the development and worldwide expansion of affordable phones with the intelligent functions of KaiOS, allowing us to connect to large sectors that still do not have access to the Internet, especially in emerging markets "said Sébastien Codeville, CEO of KaiOS

How Google takes advantage

Google's decision to make this payment is related to the details of the agreement that was concluded with the start-up .

KaiOS undertakes to add some of Google's flagship services to its system on all models: YouTube, Search, Maps and Google's controversial wizard. On this topic, Codeville said: "Have a smart voice badistant on a affordable phone is really r evolutionary because it helps overcome some of the limitations of keyboards. "

  The" banana phone ", one of the most famous, will now have Google Asistant through the KaiOS operating system.

The "banana phone", one of the most famous, will now have Google Asistant through the KaiOS operating system

At a strategic level, Google could make two bets. On the one hand, positioning their services to users who are connecting to the Internet for the first time via a mobile phone. This, in the future, would give it a competitive advantage in emerging markets, when those same users acquired their first smartphones with Android.

But at the same time, the investment would also allow them to establish a relationship with the users of developing countries even if they can not access later on more advanced devices.

  Google launches an application to control consumption and save data "src =" https: // images. "data-big =" "data-small =" https: // images.

"We want to make sure that Google applications and services are accessible to all that they use desktop computers, smartphones or basic mobile phones, "said Anjali Joshi, the vice president of products who heads the team at Google, or called" 1,000 million future users. "

] Sources: KaiOS, Techcrunch

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