Google Maps reports traffic status thanks to Waze's features | Trade | Technology and science | News


Google Maps initiated a partial integration of the features of the Waze platform to its service, as indicated by "Hipertextual" citing information from "Android Police". This was an action expected since Google bought the driving app in 2013.

The social features of Waze will now appear in Google Maps . Thus, users can now share real-time traffic status and see the last time a contact's login. Something that simply reinforces the proposal of Maps.

It is not known if functions will ever be available globally. According to the report, only a small group of Android users have access to new features if they have downloaded the latest version of the application on their devices.

Waze is known to be an application that provides timely traffic reports. real. You can inform your users of unplanned events in streets near your location, such as traffic jams, accidents, police operations, and more.

You will contribute your technology with a simple question that will be asked Google Maps asks in answer: yes, no or I'm not sure. Depending on this, and by collecting responses from other users, it will propose a recommendation of new routes to more drivers and show icons on their maps explaining a trivial situation.

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