Google Play no longer allows apps on weapons or crypto currency extraction


Google has released an update to the Google Play Guidelines, which, as key novelties, prohibit cryptocurrency mining applications and the advertising or sale of dangerous products such as firearms.

Google has launched a series of updates and policy changes to the developer program for this month of July on Google Play that have beefed up their child protection standards, as well as other features to prevent apps with related badual content with minors, violent, repetitive or false.

In this way, Google Play insists on banning the inclusion of adult themes in apps focused on minors or apps that badualize children. If the company detects content with images of badual abuse of children, its new rules inform authorities and remove Google accounts of people involved in its dissemination.

The multinational has also chosen to prohibit applications that facilitate the sale of dangerous products, including firearms, explosives, ammunition or certain accessories.

Among the restricted accessories are those that simulate the automatic mode or modify a manual weapon to function as an automatic, drums or ammunition belts that allow the achievement of more than 30 shots. None of the applications that show how to make explosives, firearms, restricted accessories or ammunition will be validated.

As far as arming is concerned, Google Play does not allow applications that represent or give rise to gratuitous violence or dangerous activities, as well as applications of terrorist content, opposed to its platform by the previous versions.

On the other hand, from now on, Google prohibits the publication of applications that exploit cryptocurrencies from the devices of users who download them, although the software that manages this remote activity is authorized.

The company is also set as a goal to reduce repetitive content on Google Play. As a result, applications that offer the same experience that already exist on the platform are not supported. users via "content or unique services". In the same line, Google prohibits applications whose main purpose is to publish ads.

Regarding the quality of information, Google Play does not support applications or developer accounts that attempt to impersonate another person or entity or apps intended to deceive users.

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