Google Play Store prohibits applications from extracting cryptocurrencies


Google Play Store steps up policy with Bitcoin and others

The Google Play Store struggled for a few months to root out its malicious apps. And now, to achieve this goal has decided that the act of exploitation cryptocurrencies should be prohibited.

Thus, with the most recent update of its rules, conditions and conditions of service; the platform has completely blocked the distribution of applications, which allows to use the smartphone as a tool to extract.

But all is not lost for those who devote themselves to these activities:

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<p>  We do not allow applications that exploit cryptocurrencies in devices [Android]. We allow applications that remotely manage the cryptocurrence extraction. </p>
<p>  In other words, cryptocurrence extraction is not a bad thing for the Google Play Store. As long as you do not use an Android device for that. </p>
<p>  It was something that happened. A few months ago, Google blocked in Chrome the distribution of extensions for the cryptocurrency extraction. </p>
<p>  And now we see how they extend their policy to one of their most vulnerable platforms. </p>
<p>  However, this will not prevent users from finding a way around this blockade. </p>
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