Google prepares Fuchsia OS, in order to replace Android – 07/30/2018


Google is already preparing the successor of Android the operating system currently used by more than two billion smartphones worldwide, in order to replace it in

Quietly, the technological giant began to shape Fuchsia OS which had a first public appearance on Github in 2016, and which, according to various sources, is not based on Linux .

The project was born, according to the terms of Google, from "an open source experience" (1945) open source only to smartphones but also to ] all devices connected to the Internet of Things (IoT).

  Android is the operating system currently used by more than two billion smartphones around the world.

Android is the operating system that they currently use more than two billion smartphones in the world.

However, it is now badumed that could become to become the successor of the most widely used farming system in the world.

What was Fuchsia OS

Fuchsia was an operating system able to operate all Google devices Pixel phones to smart speakers , and even third-party gadgets that enden Android and Chrome OS, according to Bloomberg reports.

The plan is to First to land with Fuchsia in connected domestic appliances. ] then switch to larger computers, such as computers. Finally, the transition would end in replacing Android with this operating system in about five years .

Fuchsia has security as the first goal and would solve one of the headaches that device makers give to Google by not releasing new versions or security updates Android regularly.

In addition, it gives Google the opportunity to ] from scratch with an operating system and eliminate many of the "troubles" that I was dragging n Android's Linux.

  The logo of Fuchsia OS, the new operating system of Google.

The logo of Fuchsia OS, the new operating system of Google.

The new operating system is focused on the use of Google Assistant with voice commands as the main option. Moreover, those who tested the system proved that they could run multiple applications simultaneously in different tabs or even as "cards" on the same screen

Google lets the development of this new operating system between the hands of some of his most experienced engineers and although he has not confirmed his future plans with the project, everything seems to indicate that he is on the right track .

ANSA / Bloomberg / 9to5android

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