Google takes translation and image recognition to next level # GoogleNext18


Three products announced that take advantage of artificial intelligence in all segments across the cloud.

Cloud AutoML Vision, AutoML Natural Language and AutoML Translation, were three of the products that were announced today in Google Cloud Next 2018. The north of Google is to bring the AI ​​to the expert users and enthusiasts. [19659003] These are three tools that target the non-expert audience to train their own self-learning models using their cloud platform. As they have mentioned this morning, many customers have needs that go beyond what is available with pre-trained templates, so the line provides resources to build custom solutions.

Cloud AutoML Vision, the firm announced that the product for image recognition is entering the public beta. In this way, they extend the Cloud Vision API to recognize brand new categories of images and with a much more refined sense.

However, image recognition is not the only element that Google wants to bring closer to Artificial Intelligence. Translation is another area in which we have seen extraordinary progress in recent years.

That is why the firm also announced AutoML Natural Language and AutoML Translation. The first helps to automatically predict custom text categories. Meanwhile, the second is focused on training users of their own translation models.

This leaves a wide range of possibilities, particularly for correcting typical errors of conventional translation. Each region has its own codes and idioms, so the solutions could be enough.

The company is seeking to bring more users and customers to participate in these algorithms. In fact, they called it "the democratization of the cloud". "AI has ceased to be a niche." Today stands out in almost every industry, which is why we provide these tools, "said Fei-Fei Li, Scientific Director. from Google AI, which was presented this morning at the Moscone Center in San Francisco.

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