Google Translate: translator generates a laugh by the message that comes out when putting in "Rosa Bartra" | trends


Fujimorista Congresswoman Rosa Bartra gives a lecture on social networks, not because she introduced a new law on youth employment, but because of the curious message that appears on Google Translate when you try to translate it

According to the author of the conclusion, he was translating a text with Google Translator, when he was very surprised when he noticed that the name of the legislator Fujimorist Rosa Bartra had been translated in a way far from reality

CAN YOU SEE Google Translate: if you type 'Gisela Valcárcel & # 39; in Google Translate something curious appears [FOTOS]

Seeing this new & # 39; fail & # 39; of Google Translation, the young man decided to take a screen capture and share it on social networks, where the picture became a trend in a few hours. What appeared? Keep reading and you'll know all the details.

As you can see in the picture, if you try to translate the name of Rosa Bartra from the language "Urdu" to & # 39; Spanish & # 39; with Google Translate, the translator throws a particular phrase that has surprised more than one netizens, especially the fujimoristas.

"Ten Cuidado", is the expression that Google Translator shows when you try to translate the name of the fujimorista Rosa Bartra an error that joins the long list of errors that the application of the technological giant has had for several years.

Usually, when they discover a Google Translate error, the translator's developers tend to fix the error quickly, so most likely the 'fail' linked to Rosa Bartra disappears in the next hours or days.

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