Google will install a cable that will pass from the United States to France


United States.- The American giant of the Internet Google will acquire a private transatlantic cable that will connect the east coast of the United States to the France, and which will be used for its activity of the "cloud" ( cloud ) announced this Tuesday in a statement

This will be the second submarine cable completely private Google, after the cable Curie that connects the west coast of the United States to Chile, whose construction was announced in January.

Photo: AFP

Having your own cable allows optimization and "improved connectivity for customers of Google Cloud which is not always possible" with the cables shared with other operators, said a Google spokesman at AFP.

Only to manage the project Google can also control the program of implementation more easily, according to the same source The new cable, christened "Dunant & # 39; in the honor of the founder of the Red Cross, could become operational by the end of 2020.

Google has not indicated the investment in this equipment, nor specified the # Where the cable will arrive in France, he only said it would be on the "Atlantic coast".

Photo: AFP

The American giant has a worldwide network, with a cable in which it has invested capital or others in which it leases some of the capacity of the same.

According to estimates cited by the company up to 25% of the Internet traffic pbaded through its fiber optic network, the largest among the cloud computing companies.

In January, Google announced the construction of a new transatlantic cable as part of a joint investment with Facebook between the United States and Ireland and Denmark.

Photo: AFP

This link, which also includes Aqua Comms and Bulk infrastructure, is expected to take office in 2019.

Google has spent $ 30 billion on its infrastructure over the last three years, including several data centers [19659021] In this note:

  • Connectivity
  • Installation
  • Cable
  • Cross
  • States
  • United States
  • France

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