Government announces complaint after stripe in sculpture of Rebeca Matte and makes sharp criticism | National


The Ministry of Culture and Arts has announced the opening of a lawsuit against those responsible for having damaged the sculpture "United in the glory and death" of Rebeca Matte , which was born on the day of its reopening.

"Less than 24 hours after the official delivery of Rebeca Matte's sculpture to the National Museum of Fine Arts, it was vandalized," said the National Service of Cultural Heritage.

Portfolio Minister Consuelo Valdés criticized those responsible for damaging the work and described it as "vandalism", indicating that work had been done to give space to those who were engaged in graffiti or to muralism.

"It speaks of many things: there are spaces for young people talented people paint, make murals in the city, we promote, there are schools in this direction (… but it's already vandalism, it's not art, it's destruction and these are works that belong to all Chileans, "he said. declared. The Minister.

"There are some lucky tests of the museum, like cameras that can record the fact"

– Consuelo Valdés

Valdés added that they had evidence obtained from the security camera recordings of the National Museum of Fine Arts of Santiago.

"There are some lucky essays from the museum, like cameras that could record the fact.But the final solution does not go through that, it goes through education and heritage education, in order to Avoid these behaviors, "he said.

The sculpture "United in glory and death" was replaced this Saturday after going through a restoration process, resulting in the damage it suffered in February of this year, when its heavy machinery neutralized the perimeter of Formula E. damaged its structure.

Complaint against the officials

The Minister of Culture Consuelo Valdés, announced that he was going to bring a lawsuit against those who scratched the work, relying on the images captured by the video cameras of the museum.

The restoration began in July of this year. at the Montes Becker workshop, where the problems caused by the accident, mainly fractures, were studied, but also laboratory tests were carried out for d

Santiago Alessandri, Mayor of Santiago, said that this type deed had to be repudiated and that the municipality did not have the ability to take care of all the work in progress. They find on the outside.

From the Museum of Fine Arts, they announced that they were already applying the necessary protocols to clean the sculpture, whose restoration had cost more than 40 million pesos.

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