Government issues regulation of conscientious objection and resumes Bachelet government regulation | National


The Ministry of Health (Minsal) handed Friday afternoon a new version of the rule of conscientious objection by the Abortion Act in three causes for liability. The new document reiterates the rule which prohibits private institutions from being conscientious objectors if they receive public funds provision that was already contemplated in the original version prepared under the. Michelle Bachelet's administration.

Last May, the controller made comments on the text. Among them, the body had noted that public institutions could not be conscientious objectors since it is up to the state to guarantee free and equal access to health .

He also argued that the objection could not be invoked in the case of private institutions that had an agreement with the state because, when they receive public funds, they replace the health services and they are part of the public health network .

In these circumstances, the Department of Health had to amend the document. As reported by said distribution in a statement, in the new text private health facilities may be conscientious objectors provided that they do not obtain public benefits in their field of gynecology and obstetrics.

Of course, public institutions can not be conscientious objectors. With regard to individual conscientious objection, every physician who declares himself a conscientious objector must be in all areas where he works and must declare it in the corresponding form. This decision will not be public, but should be known to the Institutional Director and the respective patient.

There is an exception: "Whenever the life of the mother runs an imminent risk, the termination of pregnancy must be practiced, although the institution or the professional objector", reported to the Ministry of Health.

The regulation would come into force 15 days after published in the Journal officiel . The next step is now for the controller to be right.

The previous provision of the government is reconstituted

This replaces a provision considered in the first regulation of this law from the government of the former President Michelle Bachelet. Twelve days after taking over the presidency, Sebastián Piñera amended it to allow private entities with state agreements on gynecological and obstetric services to refuse to perform abortions.

request for declaration of legality required by a group of parliamentarians who criticized the evacuated settlement under the direction of Minister Emilio Santelices on the grounds that the authority had committed a series of irregularities in dictating it, affecting the meaning of Abortion Act in three causes and annulling the previous settlement, both approved under the previous administration of Michelle Bachelet.

The decree of the new by-law is as follows:

Objection of Modified Consciousness by BioBioChile on Scribd

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