Government of Bolivia defines the construction of a submarine museum in Lake Titicaca | International


The Bolivian government has defined the construction of an underwater museum on Lake Titicaca for a cost of 10 million dollars (6.500 million pesos), having found in the bottom of its waters thousands of ] pre-colonial coins reported Tuesday the Ministry of Culture

"This will be a tourist complex and a research center in archeology, geology and biology, characteristics that will characterize it as unique to the world " said Minister of Culture, Wilma Alanoca, after disclosing the final design of the building, prepared by the Belgian Cooperation.

Alanoca announced that negotiations will be started with the General Treasury of Bolivia to finance the work "raising $ 10 million". It has already been reported that Unesco and Belgium contribute up to two million dollars

. The museum will be built near the town of San Pedro de Tiquina a little over 100 kilometers east of La Paz.

In one of the last discoveries, last year, more than 10,000 archaeological objects were found, such as bone objects, ceramics, metals, human and animal bones and kitchen utensils, matching to Pretiwanakota, Tiwanakota and Inca cultures.

Around the Titicaca, with an area of ​​8,562 square kilometers, at approximately 3,800 meters above sea level and shared by Bolivia and Peru, several crops flourished.

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