Government presents electric cars to ministers and simultaneously defends oil trains for Temuco | National


The Minister of Transport, Gloria Hutt, defended the shipment of diesel trains in the region of La Araucanía, the same day that the government received BMW electric vehicles for the presidency and some ministries.

On October 26, the executive announced the launch of a new fleet of trains in the regions of Bío Bío and La Araucanía. Three of them, crossing the road from Temuco to Victoria, will be diesel, the most polluting technology .

The section however has infrastructure for electric trains although it would have already reached its useful life.

Despite this, Hutt justified this type of machine and acknowledged that there was no condition to renew the railway fleet and replace it with an electric type of fleet.

"The technologies are also chosen given the existing infrastructure" he said. -cuna-diesel-hutt.mp3

The experts were immediately criticized, believing that the region was the only region in the world. one of the most polluted in the country.

The researcher from the Department of Physics of the University of Santiago, Patricio Pérez, badured that the addition of a new pollution factor is not positive for the region.

"Everything that is emissions adds up, it is already very contaminated in winter," he said.

In return, the President Sebastián Piñera presented today a park of six electric cars for government use, which will be available to the Presidency and Ministries of Energy, Transport, Environment, Economy and Finance.

Despite these diesel trains to La Araucanie. , the head of state badured that he sought to replace the most polluting fuels such as oil.

"Chile is moving fast towards a cleaner matrix ," he said.

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Also, the member of the Democratic Revolution and Chair of the Committee of the 39, environment, Catalina Pérez, qualified as "symbolism" the actions of the executive in the matter

"Electromobility looks like a fashionable slogan" accused.

According to the Government, the use of these new electric cars n & n Will not result in new or heavier expenses for the state, as the number of vehicles put in place in the current budget would not be increased.

In detail, The award-winning model is a BMW i3 Workshop, 100% electric and zero CO2 emissions. It reaches a maximum speed of 150 km / h, a maximum range of 300 km and an average of 250 km.

Charging times for cars in a home charger (normal plug) are 10 hours, but reduced to 40 minutes in a 50 kW DC public charger

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