Government seeks to criminalize filtration of intimate images


The government of Sebastián Piñera, following the numerous cases of leaks of intimate photos, will study the penalty for the diffusion and the diffusion of this type of contents.

According to La Tercera, it was the Minister of the Status of Women and Gender Equity, Isabel Plá, who reflected on the project, but it is unclear how it will be implemented. "We do not know if we will give priority to some of the bills that parliamentarians have presented in this regard, or if we will incorporate them into the pololeo bill," he said

. It has already been presented by a group of pro-government parliamentarians, consisting of Jorge Alessandri, Álvaro Carter and María José Hoffmann. The project seeks to sanction this type of leakage by modifying the penal code.

On the other hand, although they have celebrated the idea of ​​criminalizing the filtration of intimate images, the Corporación Humanas they have questioned the fact that sanctions refer to pololeo : "It can not be limited to this type of relationship, it must cover the different expressions of violence against women and girls that are committed in social networks, both by ex-partners and by d & # 39; other aggressors ". Camila Maturana

The professional pointed out that "a relevant step in this regard is to advance in the discussion of the comprehensive law on violence against women that is pending in the Family Committee in the Chamber of Deputies, "says Cooperativa. 19659006] <! – Download the attached document of this news ->

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