Government threatens summary orders and wage cuts for unemployed police | National


"We call a general cantonment in all the penal and special units of the country" and, because of "the indolence of the executive and the constant threats we have suffered from the Minister of Justice. Interior (Andrés Chadwick), we have Total Hunger Strike in Penitentiary. "

With these words, the gendarmerie officials began to radicalize their positions for the fourth day of paralysis. Yesterday Wednesday, at the end of the day, they gave way to an extreme measure which, as they had announced, would start in the penitentiary of Santiago, but they hope to extend to other prisons from the country.

The new measures add to those announced on Tuesday. such as the prohibition of admitting defendants and the departure of detainees abroad, except in situations of health or emergency requiring referral to health centers.

As is customary, a video transmitting to the mobilized gendarmes, the national secretary of Anfup and the spokesman of the Prison Workers' Front, Marcos Aburto, affirmed that the decision had been pbaded for lack of an agreement with the government.

But despite the pressure, according to sources of Radio Bío Bío, in La Moneda, the negotiations will not continue as long as this type of radicalization will exist.

However, the Minister of Justice, Hernán Larraín, officially declared that moment, the space of dialogue is maintained. "Here, it is important to remain calm, we are all interested in improving the conditions of the gendarmerie.And more than to follow the path and extreme extreme resources or violent expressions, I want to invite the leaders of the gendarmerie to continue to talk, "he said.

Center paralyzed justice

Despite the call, the mobilization has maintained its content. from the first day: it caused delays and reprogramming of hearings at the justice center.

The President of the Supreme Court, Haroldo Brito, said he was concerned about the conditions of detention of the accused in the prisons of the justice center. "The strike has led to the adoption of many measures, people have had to spend the night in the prisons of the Justice Center, which is not the right place.The capacity of this place is very limited. designed for transit, "he admitted.

"(With unemployment do not have) right in the light of day.They are not allowed to receive visits from their families and have also seen their reduced mobility space" [19659011] – Mario Palma, Head of Studies of the Ombudsman of the Southern Metropolitan Region

In the meantime, metropolitan defenders from the North and South regions presented to the Seventh Court of Guarantee, an amparo petition seeking to allow a judge to verify the conditions of the deprivation of liberty of at least 72 persons who are in the said enclosure.

"These people see the fundamental and fundamental rights that correspond to every human being, and they can not be entitled to the light of day.They do not have the right to receive the visit of their they have also seen their reduced mobility space, "said the head of studies of the Southern metropolitan area, Mario Palma.

Salary Reductions and Summaries

The constant blockade has, incidentally, brought the executive power to take action. Under-Secretary of Justice Juan José Ossa insisted that unemployment is illegal because "they can not affect the control of crime or the rights and security of the criminal population"

. The gendarmes will begin to have direct consequences: wage cuts and information gathering to determine if an administrative procedure against mobilized workers will be initiated.

Meanwhile, Ossa asked the gendarmes to clarify the points with which they disagree with the government's response and proposal. "We remain open to dialogue," he insisted.

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