Gran Santiago adds 81 new residential real estate projects in April-June


The residential real estate market in Greater Santiago is progressing steadily, both in the supply of new projects and in demand.

According to a GfK Adimark study, in the second quarter of 2018, there are 1,193 housing projects that were incorporated between April and June. Of these, 15 correspond to houses and 66 to departments

In the first quarter, 51 projects were added to the capital market.

In units, Ñuñoa, Estación Central, San Miguel and Santiago concentrate 51% of the available supply of apartments. Meanwhile, Colina, Buin and Puente Alto lead into the houses, with the same percentage.

The report also states that in April-June in Greater Santiago (considering immediate delivery, in green and white) 8,399 units were sold, "We find that the second quarter of 2018 is starting to show Significant signs of recovery and we expect even more positive numbers for the next quarter. "2019, presumably, should be a much more active year than 2017 and 2018," says Javier Varleta, director of real estate studies at GfK Adimark .

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