Grandpa paints blue pills and sells them as viagra


An old man from the region of Castilla de la Mancha in the center of Spain was expelled from the geriatrician where he resided in the hijacking zone who sold acetaminophen tablets painted in blue as viagra .

The local medical services became aware of the situation by recognizing the language of several patients presenting your bluish .

As a preventive measure, the doctors isolated the affected people after thinking that it could be a contagious disease, but after examinations were revealed that it was only blue paint .

After the mysterious discovery, the asylum opened a small investigation to reveal the reason for the events. A grandfather named Isaiah was found. Since several grandparents have ceded it under the name of Concessionaire paracetamol. blue .

According to Infobae, a trainee remarked: "We are still badually equal, but at least they came to visit us from time to time at night, which was appreciated" .

Parallel to this, one of the victims stated that " he misled me once but when I convinced Joaquina to visit him one evening, we ended up playing mus because there was no way . "

In the work of Isaiah, all the necessary elements for his mission were found : the ink of China blue color and a container in which it was dyed.

After that, the geriatric made the decision to expel him. For the moment, yes, nothing makes it possible to know if the city will file a criminal complaint with the authorities against Isaiah the dealer of the blue paracétamol .

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