Greenpeace for the death of the sea lion by the plastic: "We are facing a silent and deadly killer"


As "a clear sign of the damage that plastic generates in Chilean water ecosystems", Greenpeace described the death of a juvenile sea lion, which was found with plastic around his neck.

He was rescued by agents from Sernapesca to Puerto Natales, then diverted to Punta Arenas, where the wolf was unable to recover from serious injuries caused by the nylon rope that wrapped around his neck.

"We do not know the origin of this plastic that ended up killing the sea lion could be related to salmon or other activities, which seems clear, is that our sea ​​becomes a big dump and that's a question we can not afford. and punish those who kill our marine wildlife, "said Estefanía González, Greenpeace's Ocean Coordinator

Soledad Acuña, spokeswoman for the anti-plastic campaign.The environmental NGO, said:" What has happened with the death of this wolf is another example of the need to limit the plastic. Far from being a big city problem, it is clear that it is a problem that even affects the spaces near the Torres del Paine, which are supposed to be among the cleanest and most prized in the country. But the battle against plastic is not easy, as we face a silent and deadly enemy. "

Every minute the equivalent of a plastic garbage truck arrives in the seas of the world and it is estimated that by 2050 there will be both plastic like fish in the world. The ocean

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