Guard of La Moneda thwarted theft of the pharmacy Ñuñoa


A guardian of La Moneda de Franco frustrated a robbery recorded on the night of that Saturday in a subsidiary of Farmacias Ahumada in the municipality of Ñuñoa and managed to arrest him. one of the attackers.

Corporal Jonathan Véjar bought in the store located in Pedro de Valdivia with Diagonal Oriente, when he noticed a robbery in the place.

Three criminals entered by the main door and with firearms threatened the cashiers for

According to the Mayor Maria Pascual, "the official, belonging to the Palace Guard and who was frankly, manages the arrest of one of the three individuals who enter the Ahumada pharmacy. "

" These individuals enter, intimidate the local cashiers and, seeing the palace official they fired two shots, "revealed the uniformed officer.

Two of the attackers managed to flee the money while a third was intercepted by the police officer.

The detainee has a wide criminal record and will be in custody on Sunday.

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