Hacker manages to launch GameCube games on the Nintendo switch


Use of Lakka, a Linux-based operating system developed on the RetroArch emulator

The dream of any world with a portable console is to be able to run games from scratch. other generations in the palm of his hand. It came with the PS Vita, with the PSP and with the Nintendo Switch, which a hacker managed to put a GameCube emulator that manages some games in an acceptable way.

The hacker in question is a guy who goes on the Internet with the name of Mizumi, who posted on his YouTube channel (via WccFTech) a video that shows the Switch running the famous Dolphin, the emulator that makes so well turn GameCube games and Wii on PC.

Now the interesting thing about this comes from the operating system side. Here, Dolphin runs on Lakka, a version of Linux specifically designed to emulate older consoles in less powerful devices, such as Raspberry. Lakka is built on the RetroArch emulator, that is why the interface is known in the video.

Mizumi explains that, for the moment, the software can not run on a Nintendo Switch connected to its dock, so the capture is complete on the screen and not with a video capture. Games up here work in an acceptable way, although everything depends on the title.

Anyway, the Nintendo Switch is no stranger to GameCube games and officially. In China, NVIDIA Shields notebook has received some Nintendo Wii games selected and according to Digital Foundry, they all work on an emulator and almost perfectly. And yes, the Nintendo Switch is essentially an NVIDIA Shield.

If Nintendo does not want to launch a virtual console, people will do it on their own.

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