Hacking banks and filtering credit card keys: how do you know if you were one of the


The chaos began yesterday around 17:00, when the Superintendency of Banks and Financial Institutions (Sbif) was alerted by a Twitter account message belonging to a group of self-proclaimed hackers "ShadowBrokers", who claimed to have fled more than 14 thousand credit card keys from at least 18 financial entities

The publication was accompanied by a file containing a list of customer names, card numbers, dates expiration and also their security numbers (CVV).

The superintendency badured that it immediately contacted the entities concerned, to which it asked them to take measures to safeguard the accounts of the affected customers. "It is important to note that according to the information available, most of the affected credit cards are inactive," Sbif said in a statement, adding that he is in direct communication with the institutions and oversees the development of the map.

From the Association of Banks and Banking Institutions (Abif), its chairman, Segismundo Schulin-Zeuthen, said that "the information clearly did not leave the national banks, because every bank knows only the data of its customers ", reiterating that on the total of the filtered cards" only 10% would be in force, those which have already been blocked ".

Among the banks and institutions concerned are:

  • MR Falabella
  • BBVA
  • BCI
  • ] Santander
  • Bank of Chile
  • Banco Falabella
  • Visa Entel
  • Banco Galicia (from Argentina)
  • CMR Promotora
  • Banco Ripley
  • Banefe
  • It
  • Scotiabank
  • Edwards
  • Chase
  • Banco Pichincha (from Ecuador)
  • BICE, Wells Fargo, Security
  • Credichile
  • Neteller
  • Corpbanca
  • Cooperative
  • BCI Nova
  • Bank Paris
  • Presto

How to know if this was one of those people affected?

The original list published by the group of cybercriminals was already removed from the network, although the file It is viralising through different networks (mainly WhatsApp and Twitter). However, financial institutions have indicated that they will contact the individuals and block the cards themselves.

Next, the measures that each bank will take in this regard:

About the incident that affected about 14 000 credit cards of industrial banks, among which there were only 497 cards active in Banco de Chile, we applied our security protocols and blocked these cards preventively. https://t.co/nP6JuEK9z5

– Bank of Chile (@bancodechile) July 26, 2018

Before the leakage of data that affected credit cards, we inform that BBVA has already made the blockade of those corresponding to the clients of the Bank and these are already contacted
We have monitored the situation and activated and strengthened all security protocols

– BBVA Chile (@bbvachile) July 26, 2018 [19659036Beforefilteringsomeofourcustomers'dataweinformthatBcihasimmediatelyblockedthecreditcardswhosedatahasbeenfiltered

– Banco Bci (@BancoBci) July 26, 2018

In connection with the information on the mbadive piracy of credit cards, we inform that 701 customers belong to BancoEstado.
Affected credit cards were immediately blocked and customers were contacted to inform them of the situation. [19659004] – BancoEstado (@BancoEstado) July 26, 2018

Before filtering card data that affect the industry, we inform that at Banco Falabella we activate our security protocols blocking immediately the cards preventively affected, by these customers have already been contacted

– Banco Falabella (@Banco_Falabella) July 26, 2018

Before the leakage of credit card information, we inform that we have made a exhaustive review, not detecting operations However, as a preventive measure, we proceeded to block the cards of about 200 customers who are contacted

– Banco Santander Chile (@santanderchile) July 26, 2018 [19659036]] In light of the data leaks that have affected the credit cards of the industry, we inform that Scotiabank has already blocked those that correspond to the Bank's customers and that that this is already

– Scotiabank in Chile (@Scotiabank_CL) July 26, 2018

Faced with the incident involving nearly 14,000 credit cards, we informed that Itaú has activated its protocols security and blocked, in a timely manner, the 51 active cards that corresponded to our customers. Our teams continue to monitor the situation

– Itaú Chile (@itauchile) July 26, 2018

The day after the attack

This morning, the Superintendent of Banks, Mario Farren, warned that was not certain that this situation will not happen again underlining the urgent need to improve the security of electronic systems. "There is no guarantee that these things will not happen again, that's why we made a call and I said, that the financial industry is indebted, that the investments in security should be increased " said in an interview with Radio Cooperativa.

On the origin of the leak said that "he is investigated, the first evidence indicates that the information would have been stolen from a trade because it is at least 12 banks".

From Transbank, meanwhile, categorically excluded that the leak occurred from your company. "According to our information, this does not come from Transbank and that the security of the transactions carried out by the means of payment that the company operates is not compromised. Alert was raised via social networks, Transbank has activated the corresponding protocols and informed the transmitters, operators and authorities with whom it works in permanent coordination, "they said .. Senator and President of the Commission from the Economy, Felipe Harboe reiterated the need to rely on an agency that is charged with badessing the cybersecurity of the country's main institutions, as well as critical services.

"It is obvious that Chile is in the sights of global cybercrime. It is important that the public authority respond in a timely manner. Today, there are about 14 national banks and other foreigners affected, it is very rare, "said PPD MP, adding that" here it is necessary that President Sebastián Piñera appoint a presidential delegate to spend 24 hours a day cybersecurity infrastructure diagnosis. Because today is banking, tomorrow it can be the retail, mining, telecommunication companies, basic services or business. 39, a public service such as civil status or others. "


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