Hailstones the size of a golf course fall south of Russia


  Hailstones in the size of golf balls fall south of Russia

In several recordings the consequences of the storm can be appreciated. Photo: Pixabay


If since you started the world you have done nothing but envy those of Russia You should know that you are extremely happy to live in Mexico .

Maybe you do not understand what we're talking about, but calm down, we'll explain it to you

Recently, in the cities of Timashevsky and Leningrad in the south football, a hailstorm Spectacular soiled the soil of the Krasnodar region, one of the regions registering the highest temperatures.

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According to the Kubsnewsy portal, neighbors could grieve the size of golf balls with terror.

This not only frustrated the harvest but also badly damaged n umbrellas vehicles

In several records published in the networks, you can see the huge pieces of ice and in other cars completely destroyed.

Believe it or not, the hail that fell in mid-July is not something new: the southern region is used to mbadive storms of this type.

*** MJPR ***

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