He cooked crackers with his grandfather's ashes and gave them to his class



A girl offers a cookie to a clbadmate before advising her that she has a "special ingredient": the ashes of her cremated grandfather.

It happened in a school in Davis According to the press, in a suburb of Sacramento, capital of California.

Police, who were investigating the case, said that the student had taken the cookies to school on October 4 and had shared them with at least nine people. boys .

"A girl who was also in my clbad m stopped me and asked me if I wanted a cookie." As I knew it, I thought, "Why not, it's a cookie," Andy Knox told the network. KCRA NBC

  One of the youngsters to whom cookies were offered.

"He told me that there was a special ingredient in the biscuits," he continued. "I thought he'd put them on drugs or something and I asked him – is it a cookie with marijuana or something like that?", And he said "No," then he said that he had his grandfather's ashes and laughed half. 19659004] Paul Doroshov, of Davis Police, told the Los Angeles Times that [] "some students knew before [de las cenizas] and had even eaten biscuits" .

Doroshov reported that l has The police opened a case but still has not determined the code to apply noted the Times.

"We take very seriously all allegations of wrongdoing and we conduct thorough investigations involving the police or other entities, as appropriate" KCRA

"This recent case was particularly difficult and we responded adequately and in the most respectful and dignified way possible. "

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