He died of lung cancer after a cystic fibrosis transplant


After performing the double lung transplant he needed, he developed cancer. The lungs that this French patient had received came from a smoker. According to one study, the patient was treated since childhood with cystic fibrosis.

After the significant deterioration of their respiratory functions, characteristics of this disease, the doctors decided in November 2015 to carry out a lung transplantation.

"The transplanted lungs belonged to a 57-year-old woman who had been smoking a pack of cigarettes every day for 30 years," said the oncologist at the University Hospital of Montpellier.

The study indicates that tests performed on the At the time of brain death of the donor, no abnormalities have been revealed. In June 2017, the patient was admitted to the thoracic oncology unit of the aforementioned hospital. After two months, he died of lung cancer without trying to follow any therapy.

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