He murdered his son and blamed the criminals: Fach lieutenant sentenced to 20 years in prison


Sentencing a 20-year prison sentence this afternoon sentenced the second chamber of the Valdivia Criminal Court to a 30-year-old man who was brought to an oral trial by the local Mariquina Attorney's Office. During the two-week trial, Mariquina's chief prosecutor Alejandro Ríos Carrasco and prosecutor Carlos Bahamondes presented testimonial evidence, expert reports, documentaries and photographs with which they proved in court that The accused Ricardo Carrillo Fernández caused the death of his son, a 5-month-old baby.

The Aggression

The incident occurred in the afternoon of July 28, December 2016, when the defendant left his home located in the rural area of Trana in the municipality of Lanco and alleged to have been the victim of an badault in which, according to his testimony, strangers killed his son and During the trial he was credited with the evidence given by the Office of the Prosecutor and by the plaintiff, represented by lawyers Carlos Balbontín and Carlos Barrera, that the defendant caused the death of his son by giving him three strokes with a knife and striking with a blunt object. After committing the crime, the defendant stayed in the place for about 5 hours, claiming to be meaningless.

Medical Examinations

At the end of the sentencing hearing, Prosecutor Alejandro Ríos accepted the sentence of 20 He added that the main evidence presented by the Prosecutor to distort the theory the death penalty were the same as those requested in his indictment. the defendant's defense and credential liability were "medical tests that precluded that injuries in general were caused by others, but seemed rather self-inflicted, and that they totally rejected the". the accused's unconsciousness for a period of 5 hours, allegedly proposed. "

Preventive prison

In addition, he continued," the mechanical skills indicated that their clothes they were not related to the site of the event, nor to the dynamics proposed by it.All this, with the evidence that we have presented on his personality characteristics and the relationship of the accused with the minor's mother who was victim of these events. "

The accused Ricardo Carrillo Fernández was an active officer of the Chilean Air Force. At the material time, he has been in preventive detention at Maquehue Air Base in Temuco since 31 December 2016, when the Office of the Prosecutor made it official as the perpetrator of the crime [19659009] (function (d, s, id) {
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