He murdered the neighbor for a comment on Facebook


A comment by Facebook was the trigger that a woman identified as Yildred Patricia Rua Orellano murdered her neighbor Merly Ibáñez García in Barranquilla, Colombia.

Apparently, a message on the social network where they accused her of alleged infidelity caused the annoyance of the woman who went to reprimand her neighbor, who was Is over in tragedy, slogan The newspaper El Tiempo de Colombia

Rua decided to go to the house of the victim and after suddenly entering his house attacked him with a stab . Listening to the shouts of both, the neighbors were planning to intervene, but it was inúti.

When they arrived at the address, Merly Ibáñez was lying on the floor of her house, still with vital signs but with a stab wound.

Finally, the cause of death of the victim was an intestinal infection caused by a stab in the abdomen that the medical team of Clinic La Misericordia could not stop during the remaining 15 days hospitalized.

Although the attacker denied having attacked Merly, she was arrested by Barranquillas police and taken to the El Buen Pastor Women's Prison for the duration of the investigation.

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