He was a demobilized police officer who had been injured after repelling the assault where three criminals had been killed


The head of the IDP who was wounded in the back by a bullet fired from a small caliber cannon, in his shoulder blade, was transferred to the Carabineros Hospital, where was released on Saturday afternoon and sent to his home.

A few hours before and early in the morning, had avoided being robbed by shooting 4 youths who threatened her with firearms.

The deceased badailants were all minors, two were 16 years old and 17 others . One of them had a history of robbery of intimidation, robbery and theft of equipment for public use. In addition, they found the weapons they wore at the time of the badault attempt, El Mercurio .

According to information provided by the IDP, at the time of the incident, the public lights of the place were extinguished.

The sub-prefect Alberto Vásquez of the brigade of Suroriente Robos, explained that the "three subjects were premunidos with a firearm, with the intention of stealing the vehicle , in front of which the leader of the IDP repels the attack with his service weapon and wounds the three antisocial ". It was determined that the detective fired four shots at the attackers

. The deputy commissioner had been released but had been summoned to testify to the prosecution in order to demonstrate that his actions constituted self-defense .

The investigation was carried out by judicial police officers who carried out the corresponding examinations to determine what happened in the community of Recoleta.

A PDI official killed three teenagers who wanted to steal [19659009] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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