Heads in the MOP roll by the Cancura Bridge autumn


President Sebastián Piñera reported Friday that he had requested the resignation of the Deputy Works Director of the Ministry of Public Works, Mauricio Pinto, and the Chief of Bridges Jorge Campusano, following the fall of the Cancura Bridge in Osorno , "

" We have requested the resignation of the deputy director of works of the MOP and the chief of the bridges, "confirmed the president, reporting the first measures of collapse of the structure located at kilometer 25 of the U-55 road, which connects Osorno to Puerto Octay.

Although Piñera insisted that the previous government be responsible for the tender offer of the bridge, he acknowledged that it had fallen due to "human failures". Departures of portfolio officials led by Juan Andrés Fontaine. "There is no doubt that there were responsibilities there," he added.

"The important thing is that we are working on a program to review, monitor, evaluate all bridges in our country to avoid accidents." The head of state took the opportunity to ensure that more than one thousand road bridges (more than 40 meters) exist in Chile, 14 are subject to a "special surveillance regime".

The tragedy in the Rahue River also prompted a denunciation from Socialist MP Fidel Espinoza, who accused the ministry of ignoring an office sent by the Directorate of Hydraulic Works to make mitigations, given the mistakes in the repair works of the structure It collapsed early this Saturday morning. "Even so, they have not paralyzed jobs and traffic has not been suspended," said the parliamentarian via his Twitter account.

According to the MP, the document warned that bridge improvement works "generated erosion upstream of the bridge on the left bank"

The Cancura Bridge accident is also Produced in the midst of a strong process of adjustment of the staff of the tax inspectors within the MOP, as revealed by a recent article of El Mostrador.

Decompositions have started to decline, and will mainly affect the areas of concessions and roads, precisely that of surveillance structures such as Cancura. According to some MOP officials, what happened in Osorno is precisely due to the inspection problems of these works.

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