The outbreak of measles in Europe continues. According to European Center for Disease Prevention and Control there were more than 4,000 cases in Romania, around 2,600 in France and just over 2,200 in Greece and 1,700 in Italy. Increasing numbers that are partly explained by the increase in anti-vaccine movements but also by the problems of national health systems and the lack of complete vaccination against this virus.

"The circulation continues of measles in the region highlights the importance of vaccinations with two doses to protect themselves and their families, "says the report of the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control. , cases of measles have been reported in adults and children in populations not fully immunized against viral disease.Mille, characterized by red spots on the skin, can cause fever and fever. Inflammation, affecting even the brain and lungs, endangering the lives of patients.

Faced with this situation, the The Spanish Pediatric Association badured in the media that The administration of the vaccine MMR – which protects against measles, rubella and mumps – in children between six months and a year, they were traveling this summer outside of Spain. Currently, the vaccination schedule establishes routine administration of the vaccine in boys and girls at 12 months and 3-4 years . Subsequently, Spanish pediatricians qualified their initial statements in a statement. They warned that the recommendation to move vaccination forward should only be made when the trip involved "extended stays", without specifying the time period.

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The Public Health Commission of the Inter-Territorial Council of the National Health System issued a hard statement refusing the Spanish Pediatric Association on Vaccine against measles in young children. "Scientific societies are reminded that vaccination recommendations for the general population and international travel are the responsibility of the health authorities," says the agency, which reports to the Ministry of Health in collaboration with the autonomous communities . . According to the official version, "the current epidemiological situation in Spain and in the countries of the European Union does not justify changes in vaccination recommendations No European country has changed the guidelines vaccination against measles. " 19659008] The Interterritorial Council of the National Health System says that the current epidemiological situation does not justify changes in vaccination recommendations

The release of the Interterritorial Council of the National Health System also speaks of "the confusion generated" during the last days. The health situation has not changed, despite the increase in measles cases in Europe: the vaccine must be given in two doses at 12 months and 3-4 years. In the case of travel abroad the authorities refer to information published on the website of the ministry itself and recommend having a complete vaccination schedule to avoid problems. Immunization coverage in Spain remains positive, especially for the first dose of the triple virus – which exceeds the recommended 95% -. The rate of protection with the second dose of the vaccine according to badyzes performed between 2007 and 2016, is a little lower, so it is recommended to be fully vaccinated to avoid any kind of risk.