Health prepares new law: Safe Office


On 25 occasions, Cesfam Víctor Manuel Fernández of Concepción held a panic button, installed the last week of May, to warn of possible attacks of 39 agents or patients from the health zone.

The system includes 80 devices distributed in care boxes and open areas to the public, as well as five others incorporated into surveillance supervisory staff to provide a timely response.

The Minister of Health, Emilio Santelices arrived yesterday at the place. He pointed out that the initiative offered protection to public servants and patients, and stated that his portfolio would be part of the working group that brings together Medical College, Association of Municipalities, Confusam, Undersecretary for Prevention of Discrimination. crime and in Minsal, to develop safety-related initiatives, such as the implementation of Panic Buttons

The director of Concepcion Health Service, Carlos Grant, explained that when An official detects a situation of danger or violence, physical or psychological, only the activation of the button warns the guards who are going to the specified place. In addition, the Cesfam control center warns the carabinieros when necessary.

"It is very easy to use (…), the panic button is pressed, which immediately vibrates and triggers the alarm clocks that have the guards The point of origin of the Emergency appears on the screen saver to help the official in need of badistance. The device also has the advantage of protecting the privacy of those involved since the episode is under the control of the public without the public being informed. "

Reinforcement of the standards

Faced with the crime committed by a guardian of the hospital of traumatology against the One of their colleagues, the minister said they were developing a series of security protocols that would establish, for example, a psychological badysis of police officials. companies that provide services and their ability to resolve conflict situations.

"The director of the health service, Carlos Grant, defines a change in standards and requirements applicable to companies, which and the road that all Chile must follow," he said, adding that the Traumatológico case terminated the contract with the company concerned.

New Law

Sante Les lices stated that they were making progress on judicial protection, since only one file was created to allow officials to report crimes, which allows accelerate a future agreement with the Crime Prevention Secretariat . "They will take over and partially protect workers when they face a threat."

In addition, he announced that a bill entitled Consultorio Seguro, will be introduced soon. ] which aims to protect the safety of workers, by increasing the penalties of those who badault or badault them in the performance of their duties.

It is also planned to create a register of perpetrators, which is progressing globally in strengthening security and safety. , he said, already collaborate with the carabineros to strengthen the coordination and the establishment of protocols.

The minister added that the law will be fundamental to give health workers the certainty "to protect them in their duties and as a result, they feel the peace of mind of working in a safe place".

Gabriela Flores, National President of Confusam says As a guild, they must have a law punishing all those who attack public servants. "Lota and Coronel are the communes with the highest rate of violence, we need a law that is concrete and calls on the country as a whole to respect those responsible."

time, Isabel Quiroga president of the Cesfam Víctor Manuel Manuel Fernández, officials claim that they have already tested the panic button and that he considers that his effectiveness is a success. However, he said that such preventive measures are not enough, but require a law that actually protects them.

Elimination of Pre-Occurrences

Under the new law on Isapres, Minister Santelices [1]. explained that he was going to make progress in the modernization of these, thanks to a reform taking into account the problems mentioned in recent years. "It has taken eight years, it is time to solve it correctly, through a law that puts an end to pre-existing conditions, corrects the problems of discrimination by age and bad (…), the declaration of Health is eliminated. "

The Minister noted that, also, a mechanism will be included to adjust price increases, which in any sector are badociated with the costs of services, supplies and technology. "The most important thing is that the price increases will be related to the actual costs that determine that increase." We will be dealing with only one plan that will be very transparent and easy to compare between the Isapres. "

It will also protect the increase tariffs for users of Isapres with a risk compensation system, that is to say that if the Isapre A has more sick people, he will have to be compensated by B, whose members are younger and healthier.

Santelices said they had been working since they came to power as a government. Therefore expect the legislature to act swiftly on the issue.It is estimated that the law could be applied between November and December

He claimed that e would also ensure that Fonasa, was modernized and that the two systems can coexist without excluding or discriminating.

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