Health seeks to add alzhimer and dental care for seniors to AUGE plan


In July 2019, the Ministry of Health could modify the coverage currently provided by the AUGE plan for 80 health problems, through a new decree that improves what is already a priority in health care or integrates new pathologies . For this, the State Secretariat badyzes which diseases could be integrated into the system that provides access, opportunity, financial protection and quality guarantees. And according to Health Minister Emilio Santelices, the main changes to the study are the integration of care for Alzheimer's disease and the extension of dental care for the elderly between 60 and 70 years old.

The last will come to extend what currently concerns public policies, which guarantee dental benefits to people who reach the age of 60 years.

"These are the pathologies we plan to integrate, but there are still technical meetings with the teams to see if there are other elements," says Santelices

The inclusion in the AUGE of alzhimer has been requested for several years by those who suffer from the disease.In 2015, the Chamber of Deputies approved a resolution asking the executive for his inclusion, although this did not influence the drafting of the AUGE decree of 2016.

According to the Alzheimer's Chile Corporation, currently in the country there are more than 200 thousand people They suffer from this disease and from By 2050 this figure could triple, reaching 600,000.

"It's a very expensive disease to manage," said Patricia Alegra, the group's president, adding that "the cost of dementia is Is not less than $ 600,000 per month, taking into account the direct expenditure on drugs, Special iments and doctor visits. "To this must be added the costs of the family, because often a parent has to stop working to take care of the patient.

With the eventual inclusion in AUGE of alzhimer and the extension of dental coverage for the elderly, the government will prioritize

C-is that this definition will put aside the emphasis put on by Michelle Bachelet's latest administration, where she sought to advance the inclusion of smoking cessation treatment and treatment of childhood depression. 19659002] The cost of care

When the AUGE Plan started in 2005, it had only 25 guaranteed conditions and was aiming to reach 56. Currently, there are 80 health problems included. However, the resources that finance it have not increased in the same proportion.

According to Hctor Snchez, director of the Institute of Public Health of the United States. Andrs Bello, the increase in plan coverage should be badociated with an increase in the budget. "The AUGE will not face as long as pathologies continue to be incorporated without increasing resources," he said.

In the same vein, the Minister badured that the idea of ​​these incorporations remains necessary, carry out a cost badysis and take into account the budget framework of the portfolio. It's a conversation that "is still developing," he said.

Meanwhile, in the Alzheimer Society, Chile stresses that the treatment that the AUGE considers for the disease must be complete, so that it accompanies the patient further care. The same thing says Sanchez, who states that "we must ensure full coverage, because if it is going to be partial, diagnosis-oriented and the patient remains in an uncovered situation, not much progress is being made."

& # 39; & # 39; We want to add alzhimer and oral health, in which the idea is to extend it for patients between 60 and 70 years old. EMILIO SANTELICES Minister of Health

& # 39; & # 39; Today, there are 200 thousand people living with alzhimer, but it is expected that by 2050 this figure will have tripled. "PATRICIA ALEGRA President Corporacin Alzheimer Chile

" The AUGE Plan will not be able to cope with the addition of new pathologies without increased resources. "HCTOR SNCHEZ Director of the Instituto de Salud Publica of UNAB


health problems are currently considered in the AUGE Plan.


thousand people it is estimated that 39, they could have Alzheimer's disease in 2050 in the country.

$ 300

thousand can cost a cure for dementia used in the treatment of alzhimer


was the last year in which pathologies were integrated into the plan In 2016, it was decided not to do so.

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