Heart failure hides after common symptoms


SANTO DOMINGO.- Heart failure will affect 1 in 5 people over the age of 40 throughout his life. This high figure comes in particular from the serious problem of the late diagnosis that is made of the disease so far because those who suffer justify the symptoms with problems related to age or other health conditions.

The main feature of the disease is that the heart does not pump the blood that the body needs to perform its usual functions, which generates a weak or too rigid muscle to perform its function well. In other words, the heart can not contract with sufficient force or fill with enough blood, generating a series of symptoms easily confused with other conditions.

"The symptoms of heart failure are varied and include:, fatigue, swelling of the legs – more visible at the ankles -, persistent coughing, choking sensation at bedtime Patients often neglect these same symptoms and attribute them to their age, recent illness and other exogenous factors, resulting in late consultation and, therefore, a diagnosis of the disease up to the age of 15. that it is already advanced, "says Novartis Cardiovascular and Metabolism Director for Central America and the Caribbean, Dr. David Rodríguez

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the world. Heart failure, still under-diagnosed, causes 2 to 3 times more deaths than advanced cancers such as bowel or bad cancers.

Main symptoms. , it is possible that the symptoms of heart failure do not cause alarm, but if you have several, even if you have not had a heart problem, it is advisable to consult your cardiologist and ask for an evaluation. The predominant symptoms are:

– Abnormal fatigue due to efforts that previously did not cause it. The blood does not properly reach the muscles and causes muscle fatigue.

– Tired breathing due to fluid stagnation of the alveoli of the lungs. If, while lying down, there is a feeling of choking that forces one to get up and sit down

– Sensation of fullness of the abdomen, anorexia (lack of # [Appetite]

– Sometimes dry cough and persistent fluid retention in the lungs.

– Feeling dizzy. Reduced blood flow to the brain can cause feelings of dizziness, confusion, an empty mind, and brief loss of consciousness. If these episodes related to low blood pressure are present, it is advisable to sit or lie down.

– Decreased urine. Insufficiency can cause blood flow to the kidneys is not enough, and the retention of water occurs by decreasing the urine. This swelling is usually located on the legs, ankles or abdomen. And sometimes more urine is excreted at night than during the day (nocturia).

– Shortness of breath (dyspnea) with poor exercise stress and tolerance due to fatigue.

"Heart failure can have many causes, for example, the heart muscle can suffer damage after a heart attack, high blood pressure or lifestyle factors. Earlier heart disease, it is possible that you develop the disease, so it is important to take the business case and understand some of the manifestations that may occur over time, "he said.

Treatment: Treatments for heart failure are the first step in controlling the disease.In the market, there are effective drugs to delay progression, improve the quality of life, extend it and strengthen the

Although the disease does not cure, the treatments control and improve the debilitating symptoms. "For Novartis, commitment to patients is the driving force that drives us to pursue research and development of treatments that reduce the risk of cardiovascular death. Our goal is for people to see their doctor about the symptoms, get a diagnosis on time, and improve their quality of life, "said Irene Arguedas, Novartis' Director of Corporate Affairs for Central America and the Caribbean.

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