Heart failure: Should we expect an increase in patients?


Heart failure is a disease that has been made
note, about 26 million people in the world live with this
cardiovascular disease and it is estimated that one in five people will suffer from
throughout his life. But is it possible that these rates increase with the pbadage of

A study conducted by the University of Oxford – United Kingdom
– has shown that the measures taken so far to combat the disease
has a cure – they have been insufficient, which has resulted in an increase of
the incidence of this disease, especially in the most vulnerable population,
at least in the United Kingdom.

Research – published in the scientific journal The
Lancet – badyzed data from more than 4 million people living in
England and it was noted that despite some improvements in prevention and
increase in the age of patients who had just developed it, the rate of people who were diagnosed
with the disease increased by 12% among
2002 and 2014.

The co-director of the investigation, Kazem Rahimi, pointed out that
Nowadays, there are so many new annual cases of heart failure
this equates to the 4 most common cancers combined (lung, bad, colorectal and prostate). Why?
another party, pointed out that people from
the most vulnerable socio-economic groups have up to 60% more

The increase in the number of patients suffering from heart failure is due to
mainly because the number of older people has gradually increased
in recent years and these are numbers that can be extrapolated to almost all

One of the positive results of the study is that the age
whoever presents the disease is today bigger. On the other hand, this good
the news seems to be only for a few, because it has been estimated that the population
economically less solvent continues to present the disease at older ages
early, as they did 16 years ago.

Heart failure is a high-risk disease,
prevalence and high cost for health systems.
This type of studies demonstrates the importance and the need for greater
public health efforts to treat it and slow its progress.

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